
Monday, April 20, 2015

Collage Workshop + BONUS Happy News!

Last week I missed out on yet another program that I was really looking forward to. This one is super easy and also super Earth-friendly. Plus it's even a crowd pleaser! I bring you Collage Workshop.

I did this program once last summer and I was really excited about bringing it back. It's genuinely as easy as this:

Old magazines + scissors + glue + blank paper.

There's not a lot to say-- that's the whole program, but it's great! You get to go green by reusing your old magazines after you weed 'em! It's a win-win and requires almost no preparation. Give me one good reason NOT to do this program.

As far as my progress... BIG NEWS. I am going back to work one week from today! I'm actually kind of nervous. My first program will be Friday, May 1 and I'll be diving right in with Musical Kids. Maybe I'll even blog about the middle group, like I kept meaning to do!

Either way, the next post on this blog will be from a back-to-work, full-time children's librarian (me)!


  1. Congratulations and good luck, I'm sure you'll be back in the swing of things in no time! :)

  2. Awesome idea. The best ideas are always the simplest, right? We are in super weeding mode, so this is a great idea to put in the ol' back pocket!
